Here is a closer picture of Betty. She didn't have on her elbow length gloves for the picture that day.

This is probably what your box looked like for that Christmas.

I have found her in two variations, one with firey red hair. Click on the picture for a closeup of their
The verbage on the tag for Betty is basically the same as it is for the Rosemary tag.You are now the proud
owner of Betty, "America's Most Lovable Doll" designed by De Luxe Toy Creations.

Her exquisite clothes were created by one of America's foremost fashion designers. Betty is made in life-like
detail of the finest quality materials, Here are some of her other distinguishing features..... 2 page flap
inside: BETTY THE BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Wearing the most exquisite bridal gown ever designed! Entire
doll made of: Soft Miracle Vinyl Bending Arms and Legs Washable Saran Hair High Heel Shoes Approx.:
30" Tall Complete with: Bridal Bouquet - Simulated Pearl Necklace - Colorful Wall Plaque - Bing Crosby's
Recording of Because. Next flap folded once over that 2 pager flap: IMPORTANT Your doll has
been designed so that you may enjoy her in every way. Simply by bending her forward from a sitting position and
by pressing at the base of her back, she will sit by herself. (This was all underlined) Now you doll can
give you pleasure not only for her play value, but she is also the Most Beautiful decorative item ever created.
Many thanks to Kathy for lending me all the verbage and the photo of her Betty the Bride's tag.


Here is a picture of the original display case for my bride doll. Picture is complements of Pam Wilson...thanks

Both Rosemary and Betty came with basically the same accessories for their dresses. Pictured is the one for Betty, but they
include a three strand choker necklace, for Betty, there are no earrings, or holes in her ears for them, but for Rosemary,
she has pear shaped pearl dangle earrings. There was also included a multi-layered pearl hair accessory, although my bride
doll did not have one. Both girls wore white high-heels, with a medalian that looks like rhinestones on it, with either a
wide rubber band, or a piece of silver elastic. Both the soft Betty and this type Betty came with the Bing Crosby
record "Because" and a cardboard plaque that looked like a stained glass window.

Here is a Sweet Rosemary in her original case. I recovered the doll about 60 miles from me and sent her to a new home in
Mt. The new owner had one originally in the display case, but it had been misplaced. The doll had to be taken from the case,
the case collapsed, and sent separately to her. She had to put everything back together. The doll was in remarkable shape,
for standing around for 40+ years. And she is really appreciated in her new home.

Here is another display that showed up on ebay. It's actually just the exact opposite of the Darling Debbie display that
I have on that section. Deluxe Reading was sharp...great merchandise variance for the same doll and the same dresses. Thanks
to Nancy for loaning me her pictures.
Here is my gorgeousred-haired Betty that I picked up, she's showing off the designer shoes that I made
for her, even though she had her originals. Just look at that fantastic red hair. I have one in the soft bodied
version also, if you want to look at her. These do not look as though the hair has changed color, I think they were
that color originally. She was not in the correct box when I got her, so I can't tell by the box what the markings should
have been, whether for a red-haired doll, or the strawberry blonde versions.
Hello, Ladies :
I have received pictures from a fantastic seamstress, named Karen, who is working
on creating the patterns for the Betty the Bride and Rosemary dolls, and with some editing, for the other girls also, depending
on the fabric used. She has decided to offer a copy of the pattern that she has fashioned to others that need them.
You can contact her at ksblank@sbcglobal.net. If you are not seamstresses, she will be
glad to fashion you a dress for your Deluxe Reading or Manco dolls, to recreate that memory you may have as a child.
Her rate that has been quoted to me is more than reasonable for the time she has spent on these FANTASTIC dresses.
You see, girls, you were not forgotton, just waiting for when the time was right.
After you have your patterns, and fashions completed, contact me for the jewelry and shoes for your girls.
Click on the picture for the back view of this gorgeous creation.
