Shown is her pretty face, old style nurse's cap, and her pretty cape.

Bending arms and legs, but they were just wire inserts..you wouldn't bend that wire many times, or it would
eventually snap.


Here you can see her full outfit, missing socks and shoes, but probably in a white.

Fast Forward...1963---hmmm that worked in 57...let's try it again..
Here is a vintage and beautiful Nancy Nurse Doll by Deluxe Reading Corp.
She is almost complete with the exception of her nurse arm band, she talks well, she cries, sneezes, &
coughs, included is original box, instructions, 20" nancy nurse doll, bed & canopy with bedspread and canopy cover, night
table and nursing accessories, she has original metal hook over her button on front box which is extremely hard to find, her
eyes are clear, she has blond hair and nurses cap, she takes a size D battery.
