This is my newest addition to the vinyl stuffed dolls, my black Cinderella. She has the same face and brown eyes of my Cherokee
Maid, with short curly hair over her head, and the same hairstyle as the other girls. When I place the two darker
girls together there is a subtle color difference, but whether it was planned, or is from age, I don't know for sure.
I would assume, and this can get you in trouble, that she also had a coach with her, but I would really like to find her
original box, and see the graphics on it for differences.

Here is my beautiful AA Betty the Bride. I know she's Betty, there are no holes in her ears for earrings.
An all original dress, and a beautiful handmade slip to make her dress stand out the way it should, with original tiera, and
bouquet, make her the perfect addition for the bridesmaid at this house.

Check it out...no earring holes, and Rosemary has earrings. That's all the proof I need.

She had been well taken care of. There wasn't a rip on her dress, but she had been warm. Her shoes were showing signs
of melting. I replaced the old rubberband with new elastic on her original shoes, and she's all ready to go again.
And shown below, is my new acquisition...but don't go looking for her on ebay. She came to me naked as a jay-bird,
and I had a Betty Bride dress that wouldn't go white again, so I couldn't use the lace. So...........into the dye vat...whohoo...just
look at this girl in the perfect color for her complexion. The dress dyes up just fine, the silver-shot stays silver,
and I have a new girl in town...now, she just needs a name, and since the name of the doll depends on the dress.....how about...Maggie..for
Magnolia ???

She has the same overlay dress as the White Cinderella, but when you look at the underlay dress, the White Cinderella has
a pink underlay with pink stitching, and the Black Cinderella has an ivory underlay, with ivory stitching.

What a beautiful pair!

Here is one of my prized additions to the 30" doll collection at my house. The Sweet Rosemary in the black version. She
has the same curly dark hair that the Cinderella doll has, along with the same accessories that all of the Deluxe Reading
dolls have. Most prized, is the original box she came with, with the same verbage on the top of the box. The only difference
is found on the side of the box. The 1200 is the same as the white box, the difference is the stamp on the side indicating
