This is one of the newer Horsman dolls I found, at another flea market. She is a mint Cindy walker with high heels and
her hang tag still. What a beauty, and of course a hat.

Here is the Horsman Courtier Lady. She has a stuffed body with the jointed elbows, and her original dress.

Pictured here are three of the Cindy Horsman dolls with the fancy Mardi Gras lace dresses in lavender
and pink. The doll in the middle has an original dress...the flower in the center matches the flowers on the "bridesmaid"
dresses. I have just acquired this dress in blue as seen on the right. I do have one in a hot pink top, but the cat got bored
when she was in her cage, and pulled the new doll down and shredded her lace dress...that cat

Here are the three girls together. The shades of the pink may be due to fading factors, and the lavender is a pretty shade.
As you can see, they vary a bit in height, and have different styles and colors of hair. Click on the picture to see all
four girls together.

Here is the box for the pink dressed Cindy...click on the picture for a box view.

Talk about a beautiful brunette. She's to die for.


She cleaned up nicely..Her hair is all curled and her dress cleaned and mended. After all, it's been 40 years

A Beautiful brunette This young lady came with a dress that is similar to the Deluxe Reading Fashion Parade doll's dresses,
and she has the same type of hat that they have also. She somehow just looked better with glasses, even though she has the
same problem that those of us wearing glasses have, they won't stay up..

This dress is recreated from the shredded dress, by taking apart another of the pink dresses with the black tops, and
moving the lace over to the pink top. Creative? I then made a new bottom for the existing black top of grey and pink lace.
So everyone gets to have a dress, and I get to have back the dress that the cat shredded.
I put two more girls behind this picture. They wanted to show off their new hair-dos.

Click on the picture to see the front and back of this gorgeous girl's dress, but it has a couple of irregularities.
First the stitching is done in blue..not pink...what is that telling us?
My doll came in with this box, click on the picture for a full length version.

My Horsman doll was in the old Wards Catalogue of 1957. Her dress has gold flakes on it, with a gold lame' coat, trimmed
with fake fur. She also has on a small gold hat, also trimmed with fur, that is not real visible on the picture. Here
is what the catalogue lists her as: She is described as: "Miss Opera" in Evening Coat - She actually walks
with you when you guide her. ...dressed in short taffeta evening dress with filmy gold-print net overskirt and bodice. ...wears
an elegant lame' coat with fur cuffs. Braided "tiara" crowns her head. Gold earrings,diamond ring, painted finger
and toe nails. Wispy lace edged panties,nylon stockings, high heeled shoes ...shapely swivel body is fully jointed, sleep
eyes, rooted hair, 20" tall.
Click on this picture for another dress Version |
