She is known as an "American Beauty", with her lovely tiered pink dress and pearl crown. Her original price
was $17.98.

Here is a green-eyed beauty in her wedding gown.

This dress is known as "Cocktails". The description is:
Sweet Sue sophisticate is a ravishing sight in this party dress of chantilly lace on white statin over a black lace trimmed
petticoat. A silver pin holds her chiffon stole. Her glamorous bob fastens with roses. White pleated fan
and earrings. Nylon stockings, high heel shoes, strapless bra and panties.

Another one, this one in the red haired version.
All I can nail down for the name of the dress is "Bride", (I guess that was a forgone conclusion), and the original
price for the doll and outfit was $17.98.
I put the picture of this doll on the site, even though it doesn't show her really well, since this ivory dress shows
the two bows down the front much better than the white dress version. Jennifer is the owner, and she said she will send in
a better picture of her, once she finishes refurbishing her.

This precious beauty in her box, is called "Sunday Best". The dress by it's self originally sold for $3.00.

The 14 inch doll sold for $10.98, and the 20 inch doll was $13.98.

Here is a close-up of her pin. Well, oops. The owner of the doll contacted me, and it was a button, not a pin...and
not original. But a nice picture of the front of the dress???

Shown below, is my Flirty Eyed Toni, click on her picture for a picture of her with her sister. She got a new dress
in a sewing challenge with one of the doll clubs. Boy, does she love this new dress ! And this girl is really photogenic...she
loves the camera.
This page is still under construction. I've lost some of the information on the
dresses, but I'll add it in as soon as I get updated.


Here she is in the black dress version. The first picture is from one auction, but I didn't have a good back view.
As you can see in the other picture, that poor girl needed a bath badly, but it does show the back of her dress. I hope
her new Mom gave it to her.

This dress is called "Love in Bloom". The price for the 14 inch doll is was $7.98, for the 20 inch doll,
11.98, and for the 25" doll, the price was $15.98.