Evidently the fabric does not retain the dye well, and even though this doll, and my sister's doll shown
above, with her original box, were not played with, the old tale of not storing things in cardboard boxes, (wedding dresses,
etc) is true, you start losing colors.

But, as you can see, there is fading at the top of the dress, turning almost a purple. My royal purple Gail
is beside her, and you can almost detect the remnants of the original blue in her dress.

Here is another lovely lady in the same dress as Gail and Ann. Her dress
is a pale fuschia, and I added new flowers to the sides for her, the same as her sisters. I believe the mystery is solved
as to her gown's name. Her gown is a Gail dress! The reason I have come to this conclusion, is the bias tape on
the dress and stitching inside the dress is BLUE ! I believe the blue dress fades down to
purple and on down to the fuschia. I have also seen the the red fade to kind of an orange color. I sure don't trust the
sun to any of these dolls dresses. But the doll herself is still a mystery.

I recently acquired another of these dolls in an auction, advertised as with a blue dress. The picture used
for advertising shows a really blue dress.

Also, if you look at the graphics on the boxes of these two ladies, Ann and Gail, you are seeing that they
are reversed. Ann in the red dress has a blue box, and is showing a red dress. Gail in the red box, is showing
a blue dress...not purple.

Here is a picture of her a la natural...She is almost twice as heavy as the other doll, and has a twist
waist. No markings on her neck, but that is an unmistakable Deluxe face. Here she is shown with
her Ann-Gail Sister body.