We found her in the back of the McCalls magazine that came to the house every month. I found the doll in
a flea market for a healthy $3, but, with ebay's help, she is fully outfitted in original clothes, and not inexpensively.
These little gals can get pricey.

Here is my only other Betsy McCall. From the smallest to the tallest...oh boy, I'm still doing it...She stands 30 inches tall
and can wear children's clothes with a lot of pinching in at her tiny waist. She has wrists that pivot to make her more versitile.
She has long hair and a smirk for a grin. It's just enough to make you wonder what she is thinking.
Guess what, she finally got out of the box, but then we moved again, and we are both in boxes...Help!! We were sure having
fun with our piano and a sing-along...old nursery rhymes, like Row Row Row your boat. One's that we all know from the good
old days.

Here she is her recently added her original veil from ebay. Click for another picture.
Just in case you forgot, I'm still here showing you around. Mom's been hiding big Betsy from me. She said she's still packed
up from the move. I'd like to play with her. She's just my size.