This beautiful doll came in this original dress, circle skirt and waist length jacket. She has a blue organdy print blouse
with a high neck collar, a hat of gathered tulle and white felt, trimmed with paper flowers in white and blue. She is wearing
a full circle layered skirt, with matching panties, thigh high nylons and high heels.

I guess I would call her the Valentine Mom, all those ballet lessons must have been a trial to get to and from, let alone
all the performances and outfits. Here you can see more of the natural white that was built into this doll.

Here you can better see her coat and blouse. The coat is a waistlength coat with flair, taylored collar, and the organdy blouse
fabric pleaded and trimmed on the sleeves. It has two tiny old brass bottons as the front closing, with white lining in the
flair portion of the jacket.

Here is a picture of the back of the jacket. It has a pleat in the back, which is hard to see on the photo.

She is showing very little color change in her pretty face, with bright yellow-green eyes. She has soooooft dark hair with
a touch of white moving through the top of her hair.

Here is a closer look at that fantastic hat.

Her arms and legs are hard plastic, with some molding marks on them, jointed at the knees and ankles, with ballerina type
feet. She can still have the ability to wear high heels, as you can see, with the flex ankle. She came with nylons and
her original heels. She is wearing a layered pink slip with matching panties trimmed with a multicolored lace.