**************************************** I have one of each of the dolls as a blonde, brunette, and redhead.
Two of the dolls have white waltz length dresses, and one has an ivory full length dress

The shoes are unique, in that they have a covering at the front and a piece of elastic at the back to keep them from
falling off. They are secured with brads on the base, and rhinestones at two points on the front, and the base is covered
with a felt cloth.

Shown also on this page is a stuffed version Eegee bride. She has the same type of body as the stuffed version Deluxe Reading
dolls, but the same type of dress as the rest of the Eegees.

Judy sent in a picture of her bridesmaid doll in the pink dress ready for the wedding of my Bride doll. She has the pretty
pink shoes of the Eegee dolls. And, look, she's PERFECT!. Can you imagine not getting her out of her box???
Click for a face shot.
Yvonne just purchased this beautiful Mint bride with her original display box. Click on the pictures for more views.
Now where is she going to store this gorgeous creature?

Where do you suppose Mom puts all of these dolls? They are not small, they are 30 inches tall...almost
as tall as I am ! Geeze !

And if you take the red-head out of her box and put her next to Beth's brunette, you have a real double-mint treat.
Click the girl's pictures to see their beautiful faces up close.
Thanks for the picture, Beth.

Here is the dress and the hat up close.
The dolls have joints at the elbows, and again at the knees. They have high heeled feet, and are hard plastic with vinyl
faces. They come with a bouquet, and a wedding ring, of which two of mine still have retained.

The box has no markings on it, but it was the box the brunette came traveling in. It's a really pretty box, but absolutely
no information on it.

Here is the pink version bridesmaid for the doll on the left. Same dress, different color. What a gorgeous combination.
Click on the picture for a close-up of her face.

This doll came with her original flowers on her bridal veil, flowers for her bouquet, and around her waist. She was missing
her shoes, but is wearing a pair of reproduction Eegee shoes I made up for her.

This Eegee Stuffed body bride came in this box.

Belinda sent in a picture of her beautiful 30" Eegee with the jointed knees and arms. She is wearing a layered pink dress
with gathered puff sleeves and princess style bodice with lace overlay. The top part looks like a balloon style layer, with
another waltz length tier under that.

I took Belinda's doll, and put it next to Beth's other blue skirted doll, and now it looks as though she is the proud
owner of a doll, just like herself. Click on the picture, to see her up close.
Belinda's doll is wearing the gorgeous Eegee shoes in PINK. Her accessories include nylons, undies, leaf like earrings,
and a pink lacy shawl from the bodice overlay fabric. She is still carrying a bouquet on her right wrist. She must be the
bridesmaid! What a beauty. Thanks Belinda.

I found this beautiful bridesmaid on ebay..what a looker.

Just as a footnote...I found this doll on ebay in a yellow dress, with blonde hair, and stored the picture
to use later, then lost it when the computer crashed. If anyone has this doll in the yellow dress, with the blonde hair,
can you please send me a picture of her?