I had one of these girls, but when digging through some doll dresses, the blue one jumped up at me. Trust me, I
have enough extra 24 inch dolls, I can find one to wear that dress...but this picture shows the two side by side.

I had this doll stored with the tag pictures...I'm pretty sure she's a 24" doll...I hope, otherwise she's got a beautiful
dress...and made by Jolly.

The Beautiful Plaid Lassie. I've seen them in a couple of versions.

I found this pretty 24" bride doll in a flea market. She didn't come home with me, just her pictures and documentation.
Isn't she a jewel?


This is the tag for the Roberta Ann doll shown here. Isn't she a gorgeous bride?

Two more girls, one pink haired, one blue with co-ordinating dresses. Now aren't they gorgeous?

I'm putting in a Polly Ponds doll...you can see more on her specific page, but she's a 24" bride doll, and unless you
didn't know what she looked like, you would take her for just another 24" doll.
